Oh Dear.
A cautious word of advice to this (fortunately)unknown gent.
Next time you attempt to sell a well-appointed dining table online, perhaps a keen eye for environment and a pair of well-fitted trousers might come in handy? see pic below. Click on it for a larger version (i'm sure he'd love a similar offer, but nature does not work in that fashion, alas.).

Also, something I never wanted to know from my pal Meinert's new blog. His dog eats cat turd. This is something perhaps he could have told me on the many occasions his dog licked the hell out of me. Often, I eat snacks at his house, like Tortilla chips... with my bare hands. Thanks, Meinie!
Did anyone else know that dogs chow down on feline scat?
Next time you attempt to sell a well-appointed dining table online, perhaps a keen eye for environment and a pair of well-fitted trousers might come in handy? see pic below. Click on it for a larger version (i'm sure he'd love a similar offer, but nature does not work in that fashion, alas.).

Also, something I never wanted to know from my pal Meinert's new blog. His dog eats cat turd. This is something perhaps he could have told me on the many occasions his dog licked the hell out of me. Often, I eat snacks at his house, like Tortilla chips... with my bare hands. Thanks, Meinie!
Did anyone else know that dogs chow down on feline scat?
Wow. This is a classic. He got himself in both mirrors.
That makes me feel better about the winter weight I just put on...and the horrible table I bought on ebay...Thank you Monkey...
Don't worry Mr. B. Monkey. The days my dog licked you were many days after the fact. I would have given you ample warning in advance. And then she did it again 2 days ago.
gourmet? yeeesh.
meinert, you gotta feed that poor thing better, if poop is considered a 'treat'.
We had to move one of our litter boxes (we have three cats)because our dog liked to sample it, too.
All poopy concerns aside, I'm just sad you can't leave comments on Meinert's blog....why can't you leave comments on your blog Meinert?
Wait! I'll answer my own question! (with glee!) "BECAUSE IT'S MAC BASED SO IT JUST HAS TO BE DIFFERENT FOR DIFFERENCE SAKE!"
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i just had a run-in with his blog too... i can't select phrases to copy. so, i can't steal from meinert in the virtual world. however, in the real world, i have his futurama seasons 3 & 4, kung fu hustle, rake, snowblower, three forks, a tupperware lid and his son's wallet.
What program do you use to make your templates?
...or meinert?
How the hell did you get a picture of my ex's weiner?
And I emailed you about the banner
oh yes, my Spot often reeks of litter crusted cat turds. The joy of dog breath.
How you make a banner like yours was what I was asking. I'm curious...I see JJ is too...
alas, i am an artiste! angela gave me her password and i made a banner for her and played with her template.
worry not, i am trustworthy. she merely changed her password to something like 'monkey' for me to do it and changed it back afterwards.
Um...I need to see if there's something I can do to have comments on my blog. It's a very, very, basic blog program that I figured out in 3 minutes. I'll have to actually look at it now and see how it works. See? now you made me WORK for my blog!
i try.
meinert's list of things to do:
a) fix blog
b) stop his dog from eating cat turd.
Give me back my wallet, Mark. Seriously, I mean it.
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