420 Ft High, 120 MPH Down...

With a record-breaking height of 420-feet and record-breaking speed of 120 mph, Top Thrill Dragster delivers on its promise of thrilling riders this summer at Cedar Point, Ohio.
I like roller coasters as much as the next simian, but perhaps this time they have gone too far? Are they trying to scare people to death??!! Check it out. I particularly like the last snapshot, I think it should be used to advertise the ride.
One thought occurs to me. These harrowing pics were snapped in what appears to be the bone-numbing dead of winter. To replicate what must be the feeling, blaze down the highway in the dead of winter in an out-of-control convertible. Now, wet yourself.
Hm, maybe she should sue them for not posting a "adult diapers recommended" sign right beside the "If you're shorter than this you cannot get on this ride".
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HAHA! I will be getting there at some point this summer so I can legally defecate (spelling) in public at least once this year.
Holy hell! Why would anyone want to do that to themselves?
i personally look for any occasion i can to publicly soil myself.
this just might be one of those occasions.
Skydiving is better.
That looks like fun.
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